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Photos of the Dig

We’ve been adding all of our photos to the Flickr Group. It would be great to see all of the photos that you took while you were at Basing House, so if you have any pictures that you’d like to share, please consider adding them to the Flickr Group. Alternatively, you can share photos with us on our Facebook page: You can see all of our photos at our Basing House CAT Project Flickr Group: Continue reading →

The trench has been covered!

Some Reflections… After three weeks of deturfing and excavation it took only one day to cover back over the 18 x 17 metre trench we had made, re-covering the original 1960s Aldermaston Archaeological Society’s excavation. As an archaeologist working at a university, projects that I am involved with are generally research-based. They begin with a question that needs to be answered and sometime end with an excavation. Increasingly, excavation is the last resort. Continue reading →

Portraits of Archaeologists

We had 57 people dig in our 1960s trenches over the previous three weeks. Many of them were snapped by me, our photographer Peter Wheeler, or by one of our Student Reporters, whilst we all photographed the various features, sections, postholes and finds. Not everyone was caught on camera, and these portraits are only a small selection of the team that contributed to the excavation season, but we thought we’d share some of our favourite snaps of archaeology in action with you all. Continue reading →

Days in the life of a Volunteer – part 2

Reblogged from Basing House Project Blog: Here is the second of Andrew's volunteers' diary posts. Hope you enjoy it. Wednesday 31st July A good day for visitors with many of them taking a trip through the tunnel.  We had the usual mix. These included high speed children, children who went through several times, adults who had been through as children and even the adults who spend their entire trip in fits of the giggles. Continue reading →

Day 18 – Finishing the digging season at Basing House 2013 – by Jamie, Sophie and Sam

Sophie, Jamie and Sam have written a review of the excavation season. This is a taster of the archaeology from the previous three weeks. We had lots of great finds coming out, including four Roman coins, which we will write a post about over the next few days. In the meantime, here is Sophie, Jamie and Sam’s review of our dig. Continue reading →

Day 17 – A View from the Trench Edge – by Sophie, Jamie and Sam

On the penultimate day of the excavation Sophie took a few minutes out with a number of members of the excavation team to ask them about their views on the project and if it had met the aims set out at the start. Dave (Co-Director) “The dig has been very successful, in that we have not only uncovered the original 60’s excavation, but have been able to add information to the existing record. Continue reading →

Day 16 – 1960s vs 2013 – by Dom

The difference between what was found in the 1960s excavation and 2013 excavation A true British citizen may open with an assertion about the weather, and staying true to this, I can declare that we started the day with a cool, if some-what summery breeze, with the sun getting progressively hotter throughout the morning. A quick overview of the site divulged to me information which I processed as a sign that we were slowly but surely nearing the end of our time here at Basing House. Continue reading →

Making Digital: Visual Approaches to the Digital Humanities

Over the past few months Gareth and I have been lucky enough to be involved in a project working with artists from Winchester School of Art to develop a series of training events looking at the relationship between art and archaeology.  This project has been a fantastic experience. Later this week, we are all going to EVA London 2013 to talk about the project, and we wanted to share with you the paper we’ve collaboratively written. Continue reading →