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Professor Simon Keay passed away

It is with great sadness that we announce Professor Simon Keay’s passing. Simon died yesterday, surrounded by his family, after battling with motor neurone disease.The Portus team has lost a director, colleague, and friend. Simon was still working on Portus publications the week before he died. A book of remembrance has been set up for all those who wish to record their thoughts and memories of Simon: https://rememberancebook. Continue reading →

The site and the Portus Project

Looking westwards towards Portus. Photo: Simon Keay Portus was the maritime port of Imperial Rome, and for c. 500 years was the commercial hub that connected the Metropolis to the broader Mediterranean. It was a very large complex covering c. 3.5km2 and which encompassed c. 230.5 Ha of harbour basins and quays, as well as canals, warehouses, temples, churches, houses and administrative buildings. Continue reading →

See you at Ostia Antica

As part of a series of monthly meetings “Vediamoci a Ostia Antica” (See you at Ostia Antica) organised by the Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica, on the 11 September 2018 at 5pm Simon Keay, Cinzia Morelli and Renato Sebastiani will be speaking about “The Imperial port”. Download the programme The post See you at Ostia Antica appeared first on Portus Project. Continue reading →

Portus and Me

Hembo taking photographs for photogrammetry. Photo: Rose Ferraby First time i came to Portus in 2008 and spent two months learning various technologies used in archaeological (high tech) excavation. Since then I’ve been back there every year, and I am writing this post from the Casale, overlooking the Grandi Magazzini Di Settimio Severo. Continue reading →

Imaging Event/Hackathon

Few days to go to Rode Imaging Event where ACRG will be represent on power of three: Graeme Earl, James Miles and me. List of presenters at the seminar and workshop day include specialist with different expertise: multispectral imaging, 3D data acquisition and processing and theoretical approach. Hackathon weekend is supported by Garage48, people specialised in hackathons and helping start-ups. Continue reading →

Rode Imaging Event

Few posts ago i wrote about imaging work at St. Nicholas church in Tallinn, Estonia. Now this has grown into bigger collaboration and a co-hosted event in coming May. There will be three speakers from ACRG: Graeme Earl, James Miles and me. Check the museum’s website for more information and registering . Continue reading →