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An Ocean without History? CMA and SMMI Annual Lecture 24th March 17.45

This year the CMA turns 20, and as such we thought it a good time to take stock and think about what we do well and what we could improve on.  Out of this discussion came the desire to shine a brighter light on the research being conducted on maritime heritage (both within the  CMA and beyond) and to offer a space within which significant developments can be discussed. Continue reading →

Modelling the potential for submerged prehistoric archaeology

  This wednesday as part of an English Heritage funded project we will be holding a workshop to discuss different options open to archaeologists when considering the potential for submerged prehistoric remains.  The session will draw together practitioners from the UK, Denmark and the Netherlands to discuss their experiences and ideas on topics including; deposit modelling, predictive modelling and underwater direct evaluation (sampling/trenching etc). Continue reading →