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CMA on the Road

IKUWA 2016 conference marked a special event for Southampton’s Centre for Maritime Archaeology. Over twenty of us attended the event in Fremantle, at the Western Australia Maritime Museum, held for four days, November 28 till December 2nd, 2016. The conference began with a UNESCO roundtable on the first day. Regional underwater cultural heritage issues were brought to light, and general concerns were expressed. Continue reading →

St. Mary’s River Archaeological Project – Findings from the 2013 field season, by Scott Tucker

Scott Tucker, postgraduate researcher at the University of Southampton, will give a talk on his maritime research and fieldwork. This Centre for Maritime Archaeology Research Group seminar will take place on Thursday, January 30, at 14:00 in the Centre for Maritime Archaeology lecture room (Building 65b). A live broadcast is available on this link Abstract: The St. Continue reading →

Things have to change: Iron Age boat building traditions in Northern Europe,by Rodrigo Pachecho Ruiz

  The Centre for Maritime Archaeology Research Group presentations will resume on January 28th at 4 pm, in the CMA lecture room. Rodrigo Pacheco Ruiz (PhD student) will present his work on Iron Age boat Building. The presentation will also be broadcasted on this link Continue reading →

Sea-level and Society in Southern Peru by Dr. Fraser Sturt

The next Centre for Maritime Archaeology Research Group seminar on fieldwork presentations is by our own faculty member Fraser Sturt. The talk is entitled “Sea-level and Society in Southern Peru” and will take place Tuesday November 19, at 11:15 am, in the CMA lecture room Building 65b. The seminar will be streamed live on this link Continue reading →