What is it? Following a number of low scores on the National Student Survey, several departments across the University of Southampton started to use online platforms such as E-Assignments or Turnitin to mark assignments and deliver feedback. This has proved to be particularly successful with students who maintain that annotated scripts are very helpful and […]
Follow up on feedback with the Hartley Library Academic Skills Hub
Posted on February 12, 2015 by Laurence Georgin in 1-to-1/ detailed feedback, Class/ general feedback, Feedback technologies, Informal feedback, Verbal feedback, Written feedback
What is it? The Academic Skills Hub is based in the Hartley Library and is a place students can go to find out more about some of the skills they need to be successful in their studies and beyond. The Hub is staffed by librarians who can point students to resources and services both in and outside the University. The Hub […]
Live Twitter feed in and out of lectures
Posted on by Laurence Georgin in Class/ general feedback, Feedback technologies, Informal feedback
What is it? Many lecturers use the social media platform, Twitter, in their lectures to encourage student participation. This generally involves students ‘tweeting’ their questions during lectures and the lecturer replying to the questions either during the lecturer or at the end. This can be used as a way to give instant or quick feedback […]
Quizzes, problem sheets and online tests
Posted on February 10, 2015 by Laurence Georgin in 1-to-1/ detailed feedback, Class/ general feedback, Feedback technologies
What is it? Many lecturers and tutors ask their students to complete quizzes, problem sheets and online tests. Whether they are online, on paper or in class, these tools have the capacity to generate a large amount of feedback on how students are currently performing. Quizzes in lectures are often a useful way for lecturers to […]
Social media platforms and other online forums
Posted on by Laurence Georgin in Class/ general feedback, Feedback technologies
What is it? Given the large number of students who use social media sites like Facebook on a daily basis, it can often be the perfect place to give and received feedback. Many lecturers and tutors believe that fostering interaction with students is the key to feedback, and this should be done in an inclusive […]
Detailed and personal feedback via online platforms
Posted on by Laurence Georgin in 1-to-1/ detailed feedback, Class/ general feedback, Feedback technologies
What is it? Many students consider that online platforms, such as Turn-It-In and Mathematics Stack Exchange are extremely helpful with respect to the distribution of both specific and detailed feedback. With Turn-It-In, lecturers can provide richer feedback with marks directly on student assignments. The peer-review function can be used to assign peer-reviews to students while […]
Formative assessment = feedback opportunities
Posted on October 1, 2014 by Laurence Georgin in 1-to-1/ detailed feedback, Class/ general feedback, Feedback technologies, Informal feedback, Peer feedback, Verbal feedback, Written feedback
What is it? Formative assessment supports students’ learning throughout a course and usually do not count towards final marks. It is different from summative assessment which typically evaluates what students have learnt and do count towards final marks. Formative assessment is designed to help students know how they are doing and identify areas in their learning which they have mastered […]
Pre-assignment Q&A session
Posted on August 28, 2014 by Laurence Georgin in Class/ general feedback, Feedback technologies, Verbal feedback, Written feedback
What is it? Often before important assignments but also at other times during the semester, some lecturers will answer questions from students via blackboard, Facebook, Twitter or any other suitable online platforms. This is a good way to ensure that answers are available to the whole class as opposed to just a few students and that […]