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Reflections on the WSI launch

Guest post by Natasha Webb (Honorary Digichamp for the day - thanks Natasha!) “This is not just about the technology, it's about the people…this is about what people do with the Web.” - Professor Dame Wendy Hall Adopted by the Digichamps for a day, I was fortunate enough to attend the launch of the Web Science Institute (WSI) earlier this month at the Royal Society in London. Continue reading →

Research data and MOOCosystems

GPR data from Portus – Jessica Ogden I’ve spoken at a number of events recently about what I see as the potential for joining up MOOCs in order to create shared curricula. I have for example cross-referenced material in the Archaeology of Portus course to Coursera and Brown’s Archaeology’s Dirty Little Secrets course, and to the Coursera and Yale Roman Architecture course. Continue reading →

Burying the Digital

Clay tablet (wikipedia) I am at Museums and the Web this week in Baltimore. I was sat next to @trinkermedia and we were talking enthusiastically about  the physical, tangible and the interactive digital (as usual). Over the last few years we have been digitising very large collections of cuneiform tablets and are mid way through developing an open source Reflectance Transformation Imaging web renderer that will allow interaction with these on mobile devices and desktops. Continue reading →

WSI input to Interdisciplinary Week

Graeme Earl, Les Carr, Chris Phethean and myself had a great interactive session this morning on the Digital University: Live blogging from #IDRW2014 this morning. Link here talking about the Digital University. @intersoton @digichamps — Alex Hovden (@WheelsOnFire92) March 27, 2014 @lescarr and @Graemeearl demonstrating speed dating opportunities at #idrw2014 pic.twitter. Continue reading →