Missing Blogs….
So, as I said on Twitter, I’ve syndicated all the blogs I had valid addresses for. Your name appears in the column on the left hand side.
If you’ve written them (and some of you haven’t, which worries me slightly – you only have two and a half hours to publish!) then you can click on the name of an author, see the blog post, and leave a comment.
If you can’t see the first paragraph or so of your blog in the main section of the page, but have definitely written one, you probably haven’t set up your category correctly. Also check that the link from your name is going to the blog you set up. Make sure you read the set-up instructions properly – it really is all laid out there. I do have an issue with your blog, Davina Heer’s blog, but I’ll get that sorted as soon as I can.
Any other issues, leave a comment or, better still, a Tweet, and I’ll have a look.
Sarah :D