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Topic 3: A reflective summary on climb online with self-branding

There are enormous ways in which you can build your online professional profile. As this was been discussed by all of my #UOSM2008 colleagues, what I really liked about this topic was how everyone approached it differently. Indeed there was no right or wrong answer but it all resulted in a better understanding of the topic. As I was doing some readings, research and findings, I came across Oliviaā€™s blog [1] and I have indeed learned subsequently since reading and commenting on her work. Continue reading →

TOPIC 3: Building A Professional Online Profile

Imagine if you were an employer and you are looking for the perfect employee out of hundreds and thousands of candidates, with only a few pages of CV, or maybe a 15 minutes interview for each of them, how well can you get to know them and make sure you have chosen the right one for that job? I think it is impossible! As social media is becoming more and more popular in this generation, majority of us might already have an online profile built in many ways. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Discuss the ways in which anĀ authenticĀ online professional profile can be developed

ā€œYour personal online branding is very important. Employers will look at what groups you’re part of, the photographs youā€™ve been tagged in, and comments youā€™ve made on other peopleā€™s blogs; negative feedback you’ve left can really go against you.ā€ ā€“ Julie Bishop [1] The above quote does not intend to discourage anyone commenting on this blogĀ but instead introduce the idea of a ā€˜personal online brandā€™. Continue reading →

Topic 3: How do I dress myself professionally online?

We have all learned that when we are invited to a job interview we try our best to dress smart and professional, as well as talking professionally including body language. We also try our best in order to behave and keep our communication focused on the field that we are interested to be employed. Nowadays according 2014 social recruiting survey results [1], 73% of employees get recruited through social media. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Authentic Online Professional Profile

In regards to employability, meaningful change is about to happen. As technological determinism prevails, we live in an era characterised by media activity, accessibility and diversity with new freedoms for the audience. Don Tapscott (2014) states, ā€œA new generation of young workers is entering the workforce and bringing a new cultureā€. Networking, social capital and reputation building are important stages to constructing an online professional profile. Continue reading →

Boost Your Brand: Four Steps to Success

Letā€™s start with the basics ā€“ what does ā€˜authenticā€™ mean? ā€“ for me, (and the dictionary) it means real, genuine, original and accurate. Hence, I am taking this question to mean, how should I go about showcasing who I really am? You may be wondering, why is this important? The answer is simple, aroundĀ 92 % of recruiters use LinkedIn to vet candidates, and 31% use Facebook[1]. So your profile must be authentic. Continue reading →

Topic 3- Building your Online Professional Profile

What comes to mind when you hear the word authentic? Well anything along the lines of reliability and honesty is correct. When we associate authenticity to the digital world regarding online professional profiles, this builds upon the notion of how one represents themselves online i.e. via LinkedIn. In Topic 2, we spoke about the benefits and limitations of having multiple online identities in which I concluded that the benefits outweigh the limitations, if used for correct purposes. Continue reading →

Topic 3: SUMMARY ā€“ How To Create a Professional Online Presence

Topic 3, on the ways in which an online professional profile can be managed, has been particularly interesting and relevant to myself, as I will soon be applying for jobs. During the task, I found the YouTube video by Distinctive Career Services particularly helpful in furthering my understanding on the topic. There are a mixture of opinions when it comes to professional self-promotion. Continue reading →

Topic 3 = Create an authentic online professional profile

Having an online professional profile is very important. That helps you to connect with other people and look for jobs etc. There are many company offer the same service but the world leading professional profile website is ā€œLinkedInā€ [1]. In this blog we will look at how to develop an online professional profile. There is a big encouragement about it at online that I would like to discus here and give my opinion. Continue reading →

Topic 3: How To Create a Professional Online Presence

When it comes to oneā€™s job search at the end of university, one of the first things we are urged to consider is our online presence. In our inevitable pursuit to impress and be noticed by future employers, it is critical to develop an online profile that reflects your professional side. There are a selection of horror stories featuring real-life examples of when people fail to uphold their professional online identity. Continue reading →