Wireframe Design

A Wireframe design is a screen blueprint of application, and the wireframe could help understand the vision of application. And the design is shown below.

1. index page:
Because the system allow user view the rating and review without login, the search function does not require user to login. But user could also choose to login to use the system, and the button at top would show as “MyAccount”.

1-1 index page without login

1-2 index page with login

2. Search result: The result would show the course name, and the school name will shown below.

2-1 search result without login

2-2 search result after login


3. The description of module page: A module page has three parts: Description, Rating, and communication.

3-1 Description page. without login

3-2 Description page after login. If the user has enrolled the course, the page would should the “communication” tab.

4. The Rating of module: if a user

4-1 The Rating page with a enroll user. There would be a “Rate this course” button shown.

4-2 Rating page without login

4-3 A logon user but not enroll would see the page similar with user without login.

5. Rate a course:

5. A enroll user could rate the course.

6. communication: The system allow user to post and make comments with their classmates.


6-1 Communication page, would see all the posts on it. And user could view their post or add post.

6-2 Add a new post.

6-3 inside the post. user could make comments

6-4 user could view all their posts.

7. Account: this page include the profile and courses taken.

7-1 the profile tab would show where user login from and their nickname.

7-2 user could edit their shown name.

7-3 The course page would show all the courses taken


Non-Functional Requirements

ID Description Rational
01 The system should be available and operable for at least 99% of the time. Availability
02 The database of the system should be protected. Security
03 The system should be backed up every 24 hours. System Backup
04 The system should be designed with direct and indirect accessibility consideration. Accessibility
05 The system should support the most common browsers and also be able to be used from a mobile device. Platform compatibility.
06 The system should meet the legislation of this kind of application. Legal and licensing issues
07 The system design should be clear to understand. User Friendliness
08 The system should respond in under 5 seconds for every request. Effectiveness

Functional Requirements

Id Description Rational
01 User should be able to view the module description and review without login. User can view the module information without login, in case the user does not have a university account yet.
02 User should be able to login with their university id.
03 A logged in user should be able to have a nickname or to be anonymous. A user shall login with the particular university id, but could have a nickname for rating and posting to preserve privacy.
04 Logged in users should be able to leave feedback and ratings on modules which they have taken. Users can only leave feedback on the modules they have been enrolled in to ensure accurate ratings.
05 Each module page should include four aspects: Module description, rating of lecture, rating of marking, and communication board.
06 Rating criteria of lectures should include a scale of difficulty, engagement, size of class, helpfulness and clarity. Rating criteria of lectures should help users understand how the modules are taught.
06 Rating criteria of marking shall include a scale of scores, difficulty of coursework, and difficulty of exams. Rating criteria of marking should help users understand how to achieve better results and the coursework requirements.
07 Module description shall include the syllabus, type of coursework, and size of coursework group. Module description should help user to have an understanding of the overview of the module.
08 The system should be able to suggest suitable modules for users. The system should be able to suggest modules from users’ enrollment status and their scores in previous modules.
09 The system should provide a platform for student communication in module sections. The platform for communication shall help students to develop greater engagement with the module materials, opportunities for peer support/peer learning.
10 User should be able to give feedback on the system. This function will ensure user satisfaction.