

Sep 09

The Patient Patient: a little plug for another blog (if that makes sense!)

The Patient Patient (http://thepatientpatient2011.blogspot.co.uk/) is a blog that I would heartily recommend for anyone interested in the whole subject of people empowering themselves to manage their own long term health condition. Healthcare practitioners have so much to learn from those with the lived experience of many years suffering serious health conditions. In my view, true person centred care should always be with a view of allowing the person themselves to make the long term decisions about what kind of help and support they want from healthcare professional expertise, taking into account their guidance and knowledge, particularly regarding the improvements in treatment that are occurring constantly. Anya De Iongh’s blog is her own thoughts and reflections on living with several serious health issues that for her have been life changing. Her courage in taking charge of her life should be a lesson of hope to us all who work in the caring professions.

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