

Apr 24

Be Seated Contents Page

This blog documents the evolution of our project. You can navigate the blog using the contents provided below, the headers at the top of this page or simply as a standard blog. We have more detailed categories on the right of the page and have used tags so you can view specific posts about particular topics.Be Seated


Introduction: An introduction to our project, name and what we aim to solve for our users.

Be Seated: Introduction

Why ‘Be Seated’ : Naming the Project

What we aim to solve: Terrible Seats

Team Management: Posts related to how our idea evolved and how we managed our time.

Assignment Schedule

Oral History Part 1: First meeting and Idea sharing

Oral History Part 2: Sketching out the Idea and Team Organisation

Oral History Part 3: Challenges and decision of website’s design

Oral History Part 4: The Final Meeting & Dragon’s Den Prep

Literature: Academic Literature, Contextual Literature, Literature on Social Networks in general and News Items.

Academic Literature

Related Academic Work 1 – Connecting to Change the World

Related Academic Work 2 – Mark Zuckerberg’s Secret on HR

Related Academic Work 3 – Reviews Impact

Related Academic Work 4: Using the Crowd as an Innovation Partner

Related Academic Work 5: Reviewing the Influence of Online Reviews

Related Academic Work 6: Crowdsourcing in 2014: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

Related Academic Work 7: Financial Incentives and the “Performance of Crowds”

Contextual Literature

The Entertainment Industry: Theatre

The Entertainment Industry: Concerts & Comedy

Economics: How TripAdvisor Generates Revenue

Crowds and Be Seated: A crowded market?

Crowds and Be Seated: When to use Crowds

Power and Be Seated

Trust and Be Seated

Privacy in Be Seated

The Long right or wrong tail?

The Tipping Point : Ways to Popularise Be Seated

Literature on Social Networks

Social Networks: What they are and their importance

The History of Early Social Networks

Social Networks and the Crowd


News: Links to related news items

News: Changes to Google Search – ‘mobilegeddon’

News: Twitter vs. Trolls

News: The Design Trends in 2015

News: Age affects choice of social network

Business Plan: Posts relating to all aspects relating to the Business Plan of ‘Be Seated’.

Business Plan: 1) Value Proposition

Business Plan: 2) Clients Segment

Business Plan: 3) Channels

Business Plan: 4) Clients relation

Business Plan: 5) Income source

Business Plan: 6) Key Resources

Business Plan: 7) Key activities and functions

Business Plan: 8) Key partners

Business Plan: 9) Cost structure


Crowds and Be Seated: Crowd Business Models

Promotion & Marketing of Be Seated

Analysis: Including analysis of similar services, overviews of standards and protocols, features, constraints, user roles, user incentives, user scenarios and ethics.

Analysis of similar services

Analysis of Similar Websites: SeatPlan and SeatGuru

Analysis of Similar Websites: yelp.com

Overviews of standards and protocols

Overview of Standards and Protocols


User Roles

User Stories

User Incentives and Be Seated



Scenarios- Review a Seat

Scenarios – Check Seat Reviews




Requirements- Functional

Requirements – Non-Functional

Integration and Constraints

API Integration

API Integration-Facebook

API Integration – Google Maps



Unavoidable Ethical Questions About Social Networking

Social and Ethical Considerations of Be Seated

Design: Posts exploring the current logo and technical designs of the project as well as posts on future designs of ‘Be Seated’.


Tips for Logo Designs

Be Seated Logos

How we designed the Be Seated logo.

Activity Diagrams

Activity Diagram (Search)

Activity Diagram (Attend Events)

Activity Diagram (Review a Seat)

Activity Diagram- Administrator (Take Action for Reported Messages)

Activity Diagram- Administrator (Add Event to the List of Events)

Sequence Diagrams

Sequence Diagram – User (Search)

Sequence Diagram – User (Login/Register)

Sequence Diagram – User (Create a Review)

Sequence Diagram – Administrator (Admin)

User Pages

User Pages – Storyboards (Homepage)

User Pages – Storyboards (Venue Page)

User Pages – Storyboards (Seat Review Page)

User Pages – Storyboards (My Events Page)

User Pages – Storyboards (Create a Review Page)

User Pages – Storyboards (Login/Register Page)

User Pages – Storyboard (About Page)

Administrator Pages

Administrator Pages – Storyboards (Reported Messages)

Administrator Pages – Storyboards (Events Page)

Administrator Pages – Storyboards (Create New Event Page)

Administrator Pages – Storyboards (Edit Event Page)


Sitemaps – Users

Sitemaps – Administrator

Architecture Design

Future Designs

Future Design: Semantic Web & Be Seated

Ontology Design – Be Seated

Evaluation: Consisting of survey results and analysis, Dragon’s Den preparation and discussing the future of ‘Be Seated’.


Ethics Approval

Survey Results

Survey Analysis

Dragon’s Den

Ideas for Dragon’s Den

Dragon’s Den Overview

The Future

The Future of Be Seated

Future Features

About us

If you would like to see specific posts from certain authors you can access them here;

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