Resource and requirement Unused low head potential in England: 800 → 1000 MW From old mills and river weirs, (~ 30,000 mills were in operation in the 1850’s) Global resource available from run of river sites to irrigations canals No economically viable very low head and high flow rate machine currently available New requirement for […]
Low Head Hydro Power
Research update: Free Stream Energy Convertor
Background As a part of the HYLOW project, members of the sustainable energy research group (Gerald Muller and William Batten) have worked on the design and development of a free stream floating energy converter. Within the HYLOW project the machine has been tested at various scales by both the SERG and the Coastal Engineering Research Group […]
Grant details: HYLOW
… is a research project which has the aim to develop novel hydropower converters for very low head differences or pressure differences … funded under the European Commission’s Framework 7 Programme … Background Hydropower is the oldest artificial power source known to man; it was already employed in antiquity; the Roman architect Vitruvius describes a […]