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MOOCs, MOOCs and more MOOCs…

There are a number of FutureLearn MOOCs about to start which may be of interest to students, staff, alumni… For students coming up to dissertations and/or preparing for the workplace: (University of Auckland, starts 6/10 ) This course is a hands-on introduction to statistical data analysis that emphasises fundamental concepts and practical skills. https://www.futurelearn. Continue reading →

Thunderclap – the results!

On 11th July (over 2 months ago - where has the time gone!) I blogged about our plan to set up a Thunderclap to help us promote the Digital Marketing and Web Science MOOCs. We set the completion date/time for Monday 8th September at 3:30pm. As long as we got at least 100 supporters by that date then our Thunderclap would go live. In the end we got 123 people to support it. The result was that we achieved a social reach of over 456,000 people. Continue reading →

Web Science Summer School 2014

Next week sees the University of Southampton Web Science Institute play host to the inaugural Web Science Summer School.  It aims to provide comprehensive education and networking opportunities to the next generation of Web Scientists. Official participant registration is closed, but staff and students of the University can still informally attend the keynote speeches for free. Continue reading →

Thunderclap – the social media flashmob!

As part of my summer internship here at the WSI I am promoting Web Science in all shapes and forms. Part of that involves promoting our MOOC (Web Science) and I am also helping to promote Dr Lisa Harris' brand new MOOC in Digital Marketing. I have been investigating the concept of a Thunderclap. A Thunderclap is... if you can imagine it... a flashmob on social media. It is a way of putting across a message to as many people  as possible using social media. Continue reading →

MOOCs – where next?

In a recent post we discussed the background to our MOOC work which has evolved from the Digital Economy Research Group's emphasis on bringing inter-disciplinary research into education. This has been specifically progressed through curriculum innovation modules and a number of collaborative projects working with students as partners. Continue reading →

Open Access

So here I am... sat here in Bay 7, Level 3 of building 32. It's a fairly warm Wednesday afternoon and unfortunately i'm wearing a black t-shirt (black absorbs heat). I'm trawling through the feed of tweets, when I come across one from @OA_Button... Join thousands of researchers in demanding #OpenAccess to research. Use the Open Access Button today: http://t. Continue reading →

Next run of the Web Science MOOC!!!!

The next running of the Web Science MOOC, run by the University of Southampton in conjunction with FutureLearn, starts on 6th October 2014! We will also be organising a Thunderclap over the coming months to get the word out about this so keep an eye on @sotonWSI and all the blogs for more details on how you can get involved! Remember that the more people that get involved in the course, the more people there will be participating in the online discussions! Below is a video giving a brief... Continue reading →

Web Science Institute official launch!

Royal Society, London - Thursday 12th June 2014 This was the formal launch of the world leading Web Science Institute. Click the link below to see the full event programme and details: WSI Launch Brochure The day kicked off at 10:30 am with a Web Science Institute in the City of London rooms with various organisations including the Open Data Institute (@UKODI, and the Web Science Trust (@websciencetrust, Continue reading →

A Digital Economy Recipe for MOOCs

In a month's time the DE USRG will cease to exist, as it merges with the Web Science Institute. Since we took it over in 2011 we have focused on a few key areas: Firstly, the role of technological innovation in driving research-informed education, and this being digital economy research in its own right. The education sector is changing rapidly as we all appreciate and the place of technology is fundamental to this. Continue reading →