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Social Network Analysis Event

Great event in London yesterday - details and useful links (especially for Digital Marketing and Web Science MSc/PhD students) can be accessed from the Storify below. Web access was limited at the venue (I *love* Eduroam!) so comments from other attendees would be most welcome (it wasn't just me there, really...) Read my #Storify story: "#SocialNetworkAnalysis Event" sfy. Continue reading →

PhD Opportunities in Web Science

Offer: A fully funded 4-year MSc/PhD studentship – annual stipend £13,590.00 (tax free) and all fees paid (Equals a monthly pay of £1,130) Topic: Anything relevant to the Web, Social Networking, Semantic Web, e-commerce, e-learning etc. We have 10 studentship opportunities to start this October. No need for computer science or programming experience. The 4-year programme consists of a one year taught MSc course and then a 3-year PhD programme. Continue reading →

SMiLE: Early Reflections and Next Steps #caasoton

Last week I posted about our plans for the action research project SMiLE at the CAA2012 conference at Southampton. We tracked the use of a number of social media tools by both 'real' and 'virtual' attendees and interviewed people about the value they got from this activity, in order to explore the dynamics of the relationship between ‘real’ and ‘virtual’ communities. Now that the event is over it is time for the team to gather thoughts about next steps. Continue reading →

ECS Seminar Series: Visualising Complexity

Dr Nick Holliman, Durham University will be speaking on Wednesday 4th April 2012 from 15.00-16.00 in 59.1257 (seminar room 1). Nick Holliman is a Reader in The School of Engineering and Computing Sciences at Durham University, UK and is best known for his work over the last sixteen years investigating the fundamental challenges of stereoscopic 3D visualisation. Continue reading →

Faculty of Business and Law Research Seminar Series

Temporality and value at the intersection of arts and technology: advancing theoretical and methodological development Organisers: Dr Lorraine Warren, Dr Lisa Harris, Centre for Strategic Innovation; Professor Sean Cubitt, The Winchester Centre For Global Futures In Art Design & Media This seminar series draws together a distinctive research programme from two leading universities on the South Coast – the University of Southampton’s Faculty of Business and Law (School of Management... Continue reading →