The end is nigh! (…or is it the end of the beginning? )

As a I sit down to  write my last blog for #uosm2033, I think back to my first written piece:  understanding the concepts of digital visitors and residents. Delving into research for that week, I concluded that I am a digital resident. But now, with ten weeks under my belt of understanding digital media and the importance of online communication, I can very much say that I am not the resident I thought I was.

At the beginning of this module we were encouraged to complete a self-test so that we could compare the level of digital literacy we felt we had prior to the module as opposed to now, at the end. Its quite clear just how far I’ve come since the beginning. For example I had rated collaborating with others as 2/5. In hindsight, I hadn’t really considered the importance of self identity online. Plus, to be honest, I think laziness played a part in the limited activity of using social platforms. Now however I’ve learnt its not about keeping quiet as having your head in the sand will not get your name out there and recognised. Its about confidence (my new rating is now 5/5)! Thus,  if you’ve got something you want to say, say it! If you’ve got something to show-off, show-off! With this in mind, I have created a Twitter account, an page and developed my LinkedIn profile.

My Twiitter page! Follow me @freyuska
My Twiitter page! Follow me @freyuska

Through this, I indirectly shown who I am,  my experience and traits I think would be useful in the profession I want to pursue in. I have also added myself to business groups, and am now following a few head hunters. This has led me to build my profile, accumulate followers and create a network. Moreover, and most importantly, this has enhanced my employability (I have just got through to the next round of a job I applied for, after having been enlightened by  Topic 3 which looked at developing an authentic profile)

Stats of my blog! 50 views in one day! Wow!
Stats of my blog! 50 views in one day! Wow!

But alongside this module, I have also created and developed my first ever blog. At first- I mean I’d never had an online module before! But through helpful feedback every week,  I progressed and developed my social identity. I am also so pleasantly surprised of how many views my blog has received- 502 times?! Whaaaat?! Its a great feeling to think that so many people have come across my blog, other than classmates! In fact, in my Topic 5’s blog, I received a comment from Singapore! I even got recognised via Twitter- a new social platform of mine! This has definitely encouraged me to want to get involved in new communities, because simply, I want to “get out there” :)

A comment from my blog on Topic 5!


Even though this is my last post, as Winston Churchill said himself, “this is not the end, this is not even the beginning of the end, this is just perhaps the end of the beginning.’


Thanks for reading!

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