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Topic 4: SUMMARY – Blogger’s Belief – Identity Theft and The ‘Facebook Stalker’

During this topic, I was fascinated to learn some of the other blogger’s beliefs on some of the challenges and ethics of social media. My own blog post focussed on some of the misuses of social media that can lead to breaches in privacy. However Tatiana discussed some of the misuses in terms of ‘careless venting’. She triggered some thoughts relating to whether free speech is something to remain free, or something to regulate and mediate. Continue reading →

Reflection on Topic 4: Ethics Online

Entering into topic four of the course I feel we were perhaps given one of the biggest opportunities to leave our own personal stamp on our blogs. As we were allowed to choose “any” topic pertaining to social media and ethics that we found significant, the issue may have been daunting in its scope, had we not had the experience of the previous weeks to build upon our appreciation of how living and working on the web coincide. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Reflection

This topic has been one of the most interesting for me; the term “Multiple Online Identities” at first seemed a simple concept but after reading my peers comments my opinion changed. It was interesting to see how unaware we are of the issue with Tatiana demonstrating how easy it was for someone to steal her personal photos.  She also spoke about the documentary Catfish which was useful as I was able to compare her opinion on the programme to mine. Continue reading →

Topic 4: Reflective Summary

In my reflective summary for Topic 3, I noted how Aliyu’s use of a current social media trend within his blog was really effective.  This influenced my approach to Topic 4, prompting me to highlight a current, widely covered topic on social media, the eclipse, and the ethics behind hashtag ‘hijacking’ by businesses and corporations. Liveblogging varsity this year gave me the skills to embed relevant tweets but, frustratingly, Youtube did not allow embedding of John Oliver’s video. Continue reading →

Reflective Summary: Topic 4

This topic has been an interesting one- not only because there have been a range of different angles from which to tackle it- but also because it has really presented me with ethical issues brought on by social media that I was previously not even aware of. As can be seen in my Topic 4 post, I initially linked the idea of ethical issues raised by business use of social media to my own experience of managing a news website. Continue reading →

Topic 4: Reflection

This topic has been the most challenging one for me thus far, not only in terms of writing the post but also with commenting on others. Compared to topic one where we were given two terms, which allowed for easier understanding and interpretation. Ethics is not like this. As ethics is relative and therefore varies depending on culture, time, beliefs etc., it was hard to get a full grip on this topic. Nonetheless, I’m always up for a challenge and carried out my research. Continue reading →

Topic 4- Reflective Summary

In this weeks post, I chose to discuss ethical issues in which social media usage causes in the workplace. This was rather interesting as I learnt many new facts and explored ways in which the issue of increasing social media usage in organisations could be closely regulated. Aaaliyu made an interesting point when he commented on my post regarding companies perhaps finding procedures/steps (such as the ones I recommended) costly or in fact unnecessary. Continue reading →