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When I first read the title of this topic I thought this will be fun and quit easy to write as we have personal profiles like Facebook or Twitter that will another as professional profile, where we don’t make all the stupid posts and blogs that will be in formal manner. However, I start by reading all links was provided by my Tutor and other sources of research: that change my thought of professional profile. Continue reading →

Why and how to create an authentic online professional profile.

Looking for a job can be tough and at the same time looking for a good employee could be more difficult. Most employers will not just throw open their doors to every graduate with a degree, they will want to know a lot of information about the applicant, with both their professional skills as well as their personal features. This makes the use of professional profiles on the web a crucial component to a job seekers arsenal. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Online Professional Profiles – It’s All About the Brand

Unfortunately, our online behaviour is socially and culturally judged – how we are viewed by others is determined by our online conduct (Costa and Torres, 2011). This, along with increasing numbers of employers using the Web to search for employees, has led to sites such as LinkedIn becoming increasingly popular. By expanding you online presence through sites such as LinkedIn, you appear visible, relevant and more attractive to employers. Continue reading →

Topic 3: May the tweets be ever in your favour.

Thought the job market was tough in 2014? In 2015 69% of recruiters expect job competition to increase. With the competition increasing, there is no time like the present to focus on creating a professional online profile. Recruiters are now looking further than your CV to identify talented candidates. A 2014 Jobvite survey indicates that 73% of employers plan to increase investment in social networking recruitment. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Remain Authentic Building your Online Professional Profile

Topic 3: Remain Authentic Building your Online Professional Profile  Fig. 2: My current Profile Picture, which I use on all of my profiles As our digital world is expanding, the ways in which employers look for new recruits are changing. Having a strong identity should be the starting point. Most of us know that building an online professional profile is becoming really essential. Continue reading →

How I try to create my professional profile

Traditional networking may be more important than ever, but in a global and fast-paced economy we need to use the Web to be noticed. It enables us to reach much wider audience than through meetings and business cards exchange. As more and more recruiters scorch the Internet, and especially social media, in search of possible candidates, the online profile is what may be a key to finding one’s ideal job. Continue reading →

Professional Online Identity: Annoyance or Opportunity?

While in Topic 2, I discussed how the ability to have an anonymous online identity can be positive, as it encourages engagement in important debate, it must be noted that the importance of having an authentic online identity is, in this day in age, even more important. This is because it plays an increasingly significant role in recruitment. With 99% of employers using LinkedIn to search potential employees, while 66% use Facebook and 54% use Twitter. Continue reading →