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Reflective Summary: What is learned from Topic 1 discussion (The Digital Visitors and Residents)

The concept of Digital visitors and Residents brought up a broad discussion among the class. At first I thought it is was a really complex concept to understand, but when I did my research and especially reading White, D. S., & Cornu report, I understood  it in much simple way. My blog focused on how much these two categories are combined together, and they should be treated as a continuum rather than two separate boxes. individual users can call into both of these categories. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Digital visitors and residents

Technology as a whole and mainly Internet users cannot be categorised by age or generations, because people of any age use technology in different ways. However visitors and residents are indeed best for categorising the web users (David S). As the name suggests visitors are people who come to visit, and every web visit have a purpose. Therefore I can say that visitors are using the web as an instrument for their every day life needs. Continue reading →