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The online ‘me’: Authentic identity or anonymity?

As I established in Topic 1, the dramatic advance of the Web in recent years has lead to many users becoming ‘residents’ on the Internet. Warburton stresses how one’s identity on social media has become intertwined with their real life identity: Increasingly persistent virtual presence on social media services […] has all but collapsed the boundary between being online and offline. Continue reading →

Reflective Summary: Topic 1

When I first came across the question for topic 1 I had no idea what my answer would be. After using my Web skills to carry out some research, however, I soon discovered not only White’s theory on ‘Residents’ and ‘Immigrants’, but also the previously commonly held theory by Prensky, that Web users can be divided into ‘Natives’ and ‘Immigrants’. Continue reading →

Web Users: Immigrants and Natives or Visitors and Residents?

Prensky’s concept of ‘Natives’ and ‘Immigrants’ on the surface appeared to make absolute sense to me. I considered my 80 year-old grandma’s struggle to send an email, compared with my 13 year-old sister and her seemingly instinctive knowledge of laptops and iPhones. My younger sister engrossed in her digital world on social media Indeed, one can easily claim that younger people have a sort of inherent confidence with technology. Continue reading →