Topic 3: Reflective Summary

Before the approach of topic three I believed that a good tailored CV and presenting yourself professionally to the employer in the job interview will make you stand out from the crow. However after I read other students posts and did my own research in regards to how to develop your professional online profile, I learned how important and effective it is to have your online profile presented professionally for the sector your seeking to be employed. I was amazed by the statistical facts people have referenced about percentage of employer as high as 76% are using social medias specifically Linked-In, to recruit people. This inspired me to create my own Linked-In account today and start having professional online profile.

I really enjoyed reading Andrew Ghiacy’s post. He opened a really good discussion about the topic, and included some really useful tips on how to build a professional online profile, however one of his tips didn’t convince me, where he mention to make obscure identities for the things that are not relevant to professional life. I didn’t agree because I think no matter what we do on the web, we leave an online footprint, which can be traced, therefore I say keep everything professional.

Zia also made a remarkable explanation about the importance of having Linked-In profile. I learned about the differences between social network and professional network, which covers from academic life to experiences and achievements. He also included some very helpful bullet points about how to create a professional online profile, however it would have been even better if he included the things we should avoid in order to gain proficiency for our online profiles. E.g. removing any drunken or violent images from our social network posts or highly privatise them. Overall topic three has been a very interesting and knowledgeable topic as I have learned a lot from it.

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