Topic 3: Reflective Summary

As a final year student at the university, knowing how to improve my employability is really important to me since I have to get a job soon after I graduated. Before looking into topic 3, I was one of the people who only believes in heading in CV and doing well in an interview. However, after writing this week blog post, I have changed my initial thoughts. I think the most important thing that I have learnt from this week discussion is the power of a professional online profile, in terms of promoting oneself, and how this can leads to a potential job opportunity. Also, as discussed in topic 2, the importance of effective online profile management.

This week discussion with others is actually quite interesting since everyone seems to be focusing on different ways of building an online profile. However, if we put all of these ideas together, we will get a better picture of how these different ways or platforms can work nicely together, in order to establish a complete professional online profile that reflects the true self. In Nicole’s blog post, she has emphasized the use of blogging, as a platform to develop our online professional profile. I do agree with her suggestion, however, I think there are needs for using the other platforms too. In Sarah’s blog post, she mentioned the importance of having a good and trustworthy professional profile on social media as it is becoming more important. To extend the discussion, I have raised a question about ‘how’ to use our profile in an effective way.

Although it is impossible for me to look at all the ways of creating an authentic online profile in details, having the opportunity to read others’ blog post provide a chance to look at all these platform individually, and to gain a better insight about different media. For example, Zia’s blog post focused on the use of LinkedIn and displayed a clear procedure for developing a good profile on LinkedIn whereas Nicole’s blog post mainly focused on the effects of blogging.

After wring my own and reading the others’ blog post for topic 3, I still think there are needs to use a combination of different platforms because they all benefit us in different ways. If we take the advantages of all these methods, and use them wisely, we will be able to promote ourselves effectively. In the near future, I would definitely be setting up a LinkedIn account, following and connecting with recruiters in Hong Kong (where I would prefer to work after graduating) and continue writing my blog.

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