Final Blog = Good things end so quick…
First of all this semester has passed like the flash of lighting! I can’t believe that this is my last blog for this module. However, when I look back this semester I can say that I have learned and achieved a lot from this module. I have acquired many useful skills that would be applied to the rest of my university life and beyond. In fact I have already started applying these skills in my life as I can proudly say that I have been able to register myself as a Web Developer, I have participated in ECS’ first ever Dragons Den competition and also I have secured a part-time job as a Taxi Driver– all through social media as the medium.
My self-test results progress of this module.
At first I only had a Facebook account and I hardly comment and post anything as it just wasn’t for me, but through the course of this module I learned there are many other social networks like Twitter, Google+, Flicker, Snap Chat, LinkedIn, YouTube etc. & they all quite play an essential part in the social, personal and professional life of an individual. With these arsenals you can be able to build a good online professional present of you in a very short time and at the same time if used wrongly it can shut all doors of opportunities for you e.g. Justine Sacco social life, so by doing this module, I have learnt that you need to establish a balance and most of all, use it for the good reasons. Also by reading and commenting of other blogs I have learned how a professional or personal online present can be maintained. Attach below is a collage of my online profiles:
As I work as a Web Developer and I have understood how social networks can help any online users, I decided to have an online presence which led to the creation of all these profiles and now it is with pride that I said when you type my name in any search engines, my links appears at the first page with only a month of online present so I believe within few more months I will be at the top of the first page and all these happened because of studying this module, whilst realizing the value of social media and applying my own understanding of online profiles.
This module was my first ever-online e-learning course and I say the experience has been truly remarkable. The ability to work from the comfort of home, working in groups by reading and commenting on the work of others gave me the flexibility, knowledge, expertise and enough confident for now and in the future as I wont hesitate to study or even work online.
Thinks I take from this module
- Social networks are tools that can be used to build and enhance your networks.
- Don’t misuse social networks because it can hurt you later on in life.
- Keep professional and personal profiles separate.
- Think before you post or share your comments.