T3: Reflective Summary: “Online Professional Profile Development”

Unlike the two previous topics, I’ve found this the most thought-provoking. It made me think about the future. The thought of being employed, in the real world, with a full time responsibility where I’d make five to six figures a year got me worried.

I realised  that unlike the previous topics, I shouldn’t just stop at reading two or three blog posts by others so I read pretty much all of my collegue’s blogs for this topic. Reading Jens’s blog caught my attention specifically because she quoted Michael Weiss: “If you haven’t started [making a digital profile] then you’re already late to the game”.

Though I know how useful LinkedIn is for making professional connections, I realised that I hadn’t utilized its full use recently. I haven’t updated information about me nor have I been keeping up with those who I am connected with. This made me panick for a while, especially after reading M.Weiss because ultimately we all want to win the game or achieve the goals and targets we’ve set ourselves.

I study a major in Criminology and minor in Computer Science. I used to think that working for Microsoft as a country manager was my goal. But it’s not very easily achievable. Especially because it’s such a competitive field. However now, I think the combination with Criminology will get me a higher chance of more exciting opportunities (yes, I may be thinking CSI) because I’m no longer restricted to one area of expertise.

This is the sort of qualities employers would be looking for- variety. Being good at more than just one paricular thing. The chance of your employement is higher if you show diversity. If you come across as someone with a knowledge that consist two areas of studies rather than one (not particularly degree wise) or experience in different fields that are related to your area of study.

I focused more on studying and university life because that’s the stage I am at in life. In my professional networking sites, I’d want to include about the skill sets I have from variety of different areas. Show I have many sets of skills rather than one.

That would be my answer to notably the most raised question on many blogs: How do I stand out? 

Comment 1: Bartosz
Comment 2: Namat

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