Topic 3: Reflective summary on remain authentic building your online professional profile

This topic was interesting for me since I have social networking profiles. While researching and looking at classmates’ blogs, I realised the time that creating a suitable profile can take. This topic has enabled me to appreciate authenticity in general and it also shows how much effort individuals put to be authentic in a diverse online culture. I really liked the idea that everyone had a different approach towards this topic, which resulted in better understanding of the topic.

Furthermore, the topic emphasises that you should maintain the recruiters interest in you, whether it is by showcasing your personality on Facebook/Twitter to them, or solely informing them that you have viewed their profile on LinkedIn. Tatiana wrote a comment on my blog in terms of consistency between social platforms and I agree that even if I’m not consistent on all my social platforms yet, I’m working and trying to be consistent. She made me realise that it really is worth putting time in to it in order to land myself my dream job.

Reading Leigh’s blog was really useful as it underlined the fact that employers screen applicants by checking content they post on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter rather than just LinkedIn, which I did not know prior to this week. To support this he has also stated, “70% of employers have stated that they’ve ruled out a job candidate because of something negative they found online” which makes us, think that we must be curious when it comes to posting things online.

Overall, I have found this topic very informative on how to realistically create your online profile and think that these skills and knowledge will be incredibly beneficial to me when I start to implement my learning and look for my dream job.


My comment on Leigh’s blog

My comment on May Bulman’s

Tatiana’s comment on my blog

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