
We came up with a set of questions revolving around our project and the issue we are dealing with, in order to gauge public opinion on the matter and gain further insight into who the potential users would be. This was not conducted as a survey, but rather as interviews with various individuals (university students and working professionals).

The following questions were asked:

1a. How would you characterize your usage of social networks?

1b. On a scale of 1 to 5 how active do you consider yourself on the social networks?

2. What social networks do you normally use and why?

3. What is your biggest concern regarding social network usage?

4. When signing up for a social network, do you read the Terms and Conditions? Why?

5. How important do you consider the right of freedom of speech?

6. Do you believe that same right to freedom of speech that exists in the physical world should also apply online?

7. What are your views of the current state of online freedom of speech and do you feel that it is being threatened?

8a. Have you ever refrained from posting something controversial (opinion/video/news article etc.) on the social networks?

8b. If so, why?

9. To what extent do think that your online activities on social networks are being monitored by the authorities?

10. Would you participate in a discussion online about a sensitive/controversial topic?

11. What are your views on censorship and do you believe that it is sometimes necessary? Please provide any relevant examples.

12. “You cannot guarantee freedom of speech and enforce copyright law.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement and why?

13. “You cannot have freedom of speech without the option to remain anonymous.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement and why?

14. If there was a social network that both allowed the users to remain anonymous and truly protect freedom of speech, would you participate and why?


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