Ben at the Beeb
Lecturer in Composition Dr Benjamin Oliver reports on his recent experiences at the BBC.

Several weeks ago I conducted the Workers Union Ensemble for a recording of a new work by Matthew Kaner, Collide, at BBC Broadcasting House. Matt is currently ‘Composer in 3’, a residency with BBC Radio 3 and Sound and Music and is writing ten new pieces to be recorded for broadcast on the station in the next ten weeks. The Workers Union Ensemble have a long, and happy, association with Matt so we were delighted when he asked us to record the first of these ten commissions.

It was a quite an experience recording at the BBC; terrifying, exciting and fun! We worked with a fantastic producer and engineer who made the experience as relaxed as possible.
Collide was broadcast for the first time on the Radio 3 Breakfast yesterday morning and is being played at some point during the Breakfast show every day this week. It’s available on the iPlayer and includes a short interview too: