The New Four Seasons
Jane Chapman, renowned harpsichordist and Turner Sims Fellow, tells us about her latest adventure…
I’m just about to go on tour with Nigel Kennedy playing his whacky version of the 4 Seasons and other sundries. I’m doubling on harpsichord and piano, and the score has been translated from figured bass into jazz chords. Who knows if Vivaldi was around today, he may have written it that way. Several of the movements launch into Hendrix/Kennedy tunes, which may make all those traditionalists throw up their hands with horror, but it was actually common practice in the baroque and classical period to break up the main concerto or symphony with popular tunes to keep the audience happy. It will certainly keep us on our toes. Speaking of which my main concern is how far I dare go with heels. It doesn’t make any difference when playing a harpsichord, but a piano with pedals is a different matter. Perhaps I’ll have more on my mind when rehearsals start….