Main User (Student) Use Case Diagram v1.0

One of the main feature of a system is the interactivity between it and its users. The interaction is illustrated by using use case diagram. Here we represent the main actor of the system where the entire system is mostly used and interacted with by this user, student actor.

The diagram shows how the student will interact with module review social network and what actions he/she will perform. The other actors are not included in this version of use case diagram because at this point their interactivity with the system is very limited at this stage. These actors are the lecturer who can comment on review or reply on a comment. The system which analyze the student input as preferences and generate a suggestions or a list of suitable module based on student grade, pre-set preferences, rating and difficulty level of a module.


Class Diagram v1.0

The class diagram of LessonPlan 2.0 social network illustrate the structure of this application by illustrating the classes and their attributes and operations.

LessonPlan 2.0 project consists of multiple classes in which some of them depend on others. The main class User is a generalization for both students and lecturer/module leaders. Both of them (student class and lecturer class) have something in common which is represented in User class. The other attributes and operations that distinguish student from lecturer are set in student class, same for lecturer.

The dependencies between classes are represented with doted arrows. Each class represent class name, number of attributes which set to be private by assigning – sign before them, and public constructors and operations with plus + sign before them.

Social Network Class Diagram