Economic context

As the social media platform for module reviews, the benefit for the Lessonplan is not only to provide a convenient approach to the university and students, there are also commercial aspects for the social network. Because of the Lessonplan need staff to engage in the work like platform management and data maintenance. So the university and the students need profit from the platform. The economic context for the module reviews platform should be related to the stakeholders (university, students) of the platform.

The economic value for the university

For the university, the first benefit is the feedback and the rate of each modules from students. This will assist them to improve the modules quality and confirm the module aim, which will greatly expand the influence of the unviersity and attract more students all over the world. Then the economic value will profit the university. And the sponsers for the society will assist the platform to generate more job opportunities for the university. So the idea for the university is the university could integrate this platform with the SUSSED website or the SUSU website.

The economic value for the students

The students using this Lessonplan could also be benefit by having a quality modules. The platform can also provide a place of work for students, because some posts could be qualified by the capable students such as someone that is expert at the database can help with the data maintenance. If it provide the part job to the students, more new user will attract to the platform.

The Lessonplan economically viable

The economically viable of the Lessonplan could be general show in the Cost Breakdown. If the university can promote the platform, the system will be more and more mature. The scope of the Lessonplan is that the platform could be the module reviews system through the university all over the UK or even the world.

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