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RSA Talk: ‘Why We Never Think Alone’

Coming from Southampton to London to hear this talk felt exciting. What I love about RSA talks is that they’re somewhat inspiring and make me pay more attention to topics I don’t consider usually. Coming from Brown University, Professor Steven Sloman a famous academic, researcher and writer, was quite enthusiastic to deliver a talk on a topic he’s been passionate about for years on the ‘Knowledge Illusion’. Continue reading →

Lecture Review: Peter Cheese, Chief Executive CIPD

The brilliant guest speaker, Peter Cheese, talked about the ‘future of work and future skills’ from a thought provoking perspective. Peter discussed not only what future employers will be looking for, but also an idea of what the future world’s economy will be looking like in 20 or 30 years. He began by asking us where we are from and then asked, “What age do you think you will retire at?”. He then went on to say that you probably won’t go through life having only one job. Continue reading →

Student Teachers on MANG1022

Another year, another guest lecture...hopefully it doesn't get any less exciting! Two weeks ago, trusty DigiChamps Tom Rowledge, Sarah Hewitt and Nic Fair and I all delivered a session on Digital Literacies to MANG1022. This was an interactive session, similar in many ways to the one last year, but also with an additional "Data-Gathering" dimension. I'll come on to the content in the session in a second, but it is important first to explain the context. Continue reading →

Digital Literacies Round Up

This is a slightly dual purpose blog post, but please do not be deterred, and instead read on…   If you are currently enrolled on MANG1022, you will be aware (or are now aware…) that you have a recently had a session with us, on Digital Literacies. The session was largely interactive, and involved you looking deeper into your own social media profiles to understand exactly what an “Online Identity” consists of. Continue reading →

Digital Literacies Session Preparation

  Hi all! Thank you as ever for reading this blog, and today I have just a short note about the session in the tutorial classes for MANG1022 next week. This session will be on Digital Literacies, or more specifically a practical enquiry into your online identity. Online identity is the general term used to describe all the data held about you, and viewable on you online. Continue reading →

Book Review – Brunel: The Man Who Built the World

Brunel: The Man Who Built the World, by Steven Brindle, is a short yet comprehensive insight into both the personal and business life that Brunel led. If anything, this book has really emphasised the importance and sheer brilliance of the work that Brunel has gifted to Britain. I think, it is safe to say, that after reading this book any reader would agree in stating that Brunel is definitely Britain’s greatest engineer. Continue reading →