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Why We Have Such a Love-hate Relationship With Work

Pexels. Ian Fouweather, University of Bradford Shock, horror, a new study shows the British public don’t like their jobs. Using smart phones researchers mapped the happiness of people in real time, while they went about their daily lives. And they discovered that people do not report feeling very happy at work. In fact, apart from being ill, work was shown as the activity that people reported they were least happy doing. Continue reading →

How Universities Can Earn Trust and Share Power in the Bitter Post-Truth Era

Universities can take a stand. Shutterstock Alice Roberts, University of Birmingham and Saul Becker, University of Birmingham James Baldwin, the author, playwright and social critic, whose life is depicted in the remarkable 2016 film I Am Not Your Negro, once said: “It is certain, in any case, that ignorance, allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have. Continue reading →

Punked? How an Upstart Brewing Company Sold Up and Sold Out

Justin Green/Flickr, CC BY-NC-SA Scott Taylor, University of Birmingham Want to be a multi-millionaire? Well then, start a “rebel business”, generate brand controversy – and then sell it to the capitalists you appeared to despise. That’s one way to do it. Scottish multinational brewery, distiller and bar chain BrewDog is the most recent version of this story. It has attracted a lot of attention recently. Continue reading →

Frexit: How a Le Pen Victory Could Unleash a Tsunami of Economic Volatility

Panicos O. Demetriades, University of Leicester With Marine Le Pen through to the second round of the French presidential elections, the prospect of Frexit, which is at the centre of her economic policies, is beginning to spook financial markets. While the possibility of Le Pen winning in the second round remains remote, two weeks can be a long time in politics. When it comes to the implications of a French exit from the European Union, commentators have so far focused on the €1. Continue reading →

It was Big Tobacco, not Trump, That Wrote the Post-truth Rule Book

Smoking … and mirrors. Shutterstock Andrew Rowell, University of Bath and Karen Evans-Reeves, University of Bath After two chaotic months as president, Donald Trump is widely credited with rewriting the political rule book. We are witnessing Trump’s new era of post-fact politics, where distraction and obfuscation are central, and critical stories are dismissed as “fake news”. Continue reading →

How Britain’s Monolingualism Will Hold Back Its Economy After Brexit Gabrielle Hogan-Brun, University of Bristol As the UK prepares to leave the EU, it has a huge number of considerations to ensure its economy prospers. One, which is perhaps overlooked, is Britain’s language policy and how important this is as an economic resource. A strategic language policy and the cultivation of language experts in post-Brexit Britain are essential if it wants to connect with fresh markets overseas. Continue reading →

Thing-ification: Why the Human Face of Work Needs to be Brought Back In

Eugene Wei/Flickr, CC BY-NC-SA Stephanie Russell, Anglia Ruskin University At work, do you feel like a disposable financial asset, or part of a family; a cog in the machine, or a human being on a team? How your company treats you can have a huge effect on your well-being and the success of the firm. The novelist Terry Pratchett wrote that “evil begins when you begin to treat people as things”. Continue reading →