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SACACA Project, Page 2

Book Review – Brunel: The Man Who Built the World

Brunel: The Man Who Built the World, by Steven Brindle, is a short yet comprehensive insight into both the personal and business life that Brunel led. If anything, this book has really emphasised the importance and sheer brilliance of the work that Brunel has gifted to Britain. I think, it is safe to say, that after reading this book any reader would agree in stating that Brunel is definitely Britainā€™s greatest engineer. Continue reading →

Boeing Take-Off

Ping into the email inbox on a Friday afternoon in late September comes a message from a colleague ā€˜Boeing has some unallocated money in itsā€™ University Fund which it could give to Southampton for a compelling new project for the benefit of students. Do you have any ideas Stefan? We need a proposal from you by close of play today!ā€™ Time to quickly scratch our heads and see how we could get Boeing on-board. Continue reading →

A Welcome from the Editor

  Iā€™d like to personally welcome all of our new colleagues joining us this week at the University of Southampton, especially those who are joining us in the Business School! Iā€™d like to take this chance to introduce you to the Studying Business at Southampton Blog, where everyone will have a chance, and be actively encouraged, to contribute to. The blog was started last year, as an initiative of the Business Programmes Co-Design Group and, as such, has a large student focus. Continue reading →

International Workshop on the Sharing Economy

With the new academic year on its way I was lucky to fit in another conference last week. It was the 3rd International Workshop on the Sharing Economy, hosted by the University of Southampton at the Winchester Campus. A few weeks ago The Economist announced on its cover the coming of Uberworld. Uber, the taxi service app is now worth $60 billion and is the world's most valuable start-up. Continue reading →

RAISE Conference on Student Engagement 2016

Another month, another conference, anyone would think we hadnā€™t had a summer holiday here in the Co-Creation Group! Iā€™m only joking of course, we have all very much enjoyed our summers, and we hope that those joining us for the first, and those returning to Southampton have also enjoyed theirs. Fresh from the beaches, Tom Rowledge, Sam Phelps and I made the long journey from Bournemouth to Loughborough to give a presentation at the RAISE conference on Student Engagement. Continue reading →

On the Road Again: Our Trip to Newcastle

While most of you have been heading South for the summer, Sam Phelps and I, both members of the co-design group were bucking the trend and heading North. That's right, on Wednesday we travelled up to Newcastle University Business School with Mark Gatenby and Stefan Cantore. This trip was as a result of our presentations at the Chartered Association of Business Schoolā€™s conference earlier in the year. Continue reading →