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#SxSC outline schedule

This is an outline schedule of talks and demonstrations for #SxSC. Anyone attending is invited to talk and demo their work. 10.30am Composer Benjamin Mawson investigates ways to use space as an expressive layer in studio-produced music. Developer Enrique Tomas has built a tool using GPS to interpret a listener’s position and movement in order to create a unique way of hearing music. Musical compositions can now be spread across a landscape, mapped to a territory. Continue reading →

Southampton hosts RCUK Digital Economy “IT as a Utility” Network+

Many congratulations to Professor Jeremy Frey whose £1.5 million Network+ award has now been announced by RCUK. “As part of a new way of better taking forward existing research and training investments the RCUK Digital Economy (DE) Theme has set up a network in each of its four priority challenge areas: IT as a Utility, Communities and Culture, New Economic Models and Sustainable Society. “Each ‘Network+’ has received £1. Continue reading →

SXSC Demo: Tsinghua-Southampton Visualisation

The Tsinghua-Southampton exchange program was set up to serve as a platform for young researchers to exchange ideas on key issues within Web Science. The chosen project was to analyze, extract and visualize how the young perceived the world using online data. As part of the Visualization team Christopher Hughes will be demonstrating the chosen tools that we used to represent the data, highlighting some key issues and concerns. Continue reading →

SXSC Presentations: Virtual RTI

James Miles will outline the use of Reflectance Transformation Imaging - a simple and cheap surface imaging tool - on existing three dimensional datasets in a virtual environment. He will show some worked examples, and evaluate the potential of the methodology within cultural heritage. He will focus on comparing the different datasets and will highlight the surface detail that could be overlooked through conventional means of visualisation. Continue reading →

SXSC Presentation and demonstration of “Music You Can Walk Inside”

Music composed in the digital studio has always been heard on loudspeakers. All of the theatre and unpredictability of a performance is absent. Composer Benjamin Mawson investigates ways to use space as an expressive layer in studio-produced music. Developer Enrique Tomas has built a tool using GPS to interpret a listener’s position and movement in order to create a unique way of hearing music. Musical compositions can now be spread across a landscape, mapped to a territory. Continue reading →

Creative Digifest #SxSC is now just one week away!

A few tickets are still available for this event on 18th May in the Student Union at Southampton University - you can register here Our keynote speaker will be Alan Patrick who is the co-founder of Broadsight: Broadsight focuses on market intelligence, strategy and systems development across the multi-media ecosystem. Broadsight has consulted to many of the major digital-media players in Europe and has helped start or turn around a number of startups. Continue reading →

Sponsored Digital Economy PhD Opportunity

Funding available to support PhD research into small business and cultural heritage interpretation partnerships in the Digital Economy  A team of Digital Economy members have just been awarded a Vice Chancellor’s Award to recruit a PhD student who is interested in researching this topic. A grant of £7K p.a. for 3 years (or pro rata for part time work) will be available to cover fees and contribute towards living costs. The project needs to begin before 1st December 2012. Continue reading →