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The DE USRG at Digital Futures 2012 – DE All Hands

The DE USRG will be represented by approximately 16 delegates at Digital Futures 2012 next week, all of whom are involved in posters, papers, or demos. These include seven papers, demos or posters by students from the RCUK DE Web Science DTC. Keynote Delivering the Smart Grid: How digital technologies can change the way we generate, consume and think about energy - Alex Rogers Posters Christopher Phethean, Thanassis Tiropanis and Lisa Harris. Continue reading →

The role of social media at the Creative Digifest #SXSC2

The #SxSC2 event provided us with an additional opportunity to develop our DE USRG SMiLE project. The Social Media in Live Events project is exploring the practical, ethical, policy, data mining and management issues surrounding the use of technologies such as twitter and Facebook as a deliberate component in events. The project began with the planning of the CAA 2012 conference in early 2012. For the #SxSC2 event we were keen to build on the lessons learned from CAA2012. Continue reading →

18th century letters from Jamaica posted online give new insights into slavery

Historian and Senior Lecturer Dr Christer Petley has used digital technology to create an online teaching and research resource about slavery in the British Caribbean in the 18th century. Slavery and Revolution showcases the letters of a wealthy and powerful landowner in Jamaica. The website uses a blogging format to explore the world of Simon Taylor (1738-1813), a slaveholder and plantation owner who lived on the island during a period characterised by revolution, war, and imperial reform. Continue reading →

Storifys from #SxSC2

We are starting to hear about storifys being created for #SxSC2. Please contact us to add to the list below. Storify by Amir Arya - Creative DigiFest #SxSC2: "Here's a catch-up on Creative DigiFest #SxSC2, the event that was organised on 11 October 2012 with the main theme of technology developments in digital world..." Storify by C01 - Creative DigiFest #SXSC 2: "University of Southampton 11 October 2012: Continue reading →

#SxSC2 live stream

#SxSC2 is now finished. Many thanks indeed to the hundreds of you who attended, both physically and virtually, and for all the social media contributions. We will make the videos recorded during the day available in the next few days, and there will be lots of storifys and other follow-ups. Thanks again. Continue reading →

#SxSC2 bio tag clouds

Here is a tag cloud representing many of the answers we received from the speakers at #SxSC. They were produced by Tom Frankland whose PhD forms part of the RCUK DE PATINA project: "I'm interested by whether tagclouds can be used to promote group awareness. On an archaeological site conversations occur in many forms, and over the last 10 years at Catalhoyuk, Turkey, archaeologists have been using diaries as a way to communicate with one another. Continue reading →