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#WebSci20 Countdown – 10 DAYS!

This is the second of our preview posts for the 2020 ACM Web Science Conference. The events will be taking place online from 6 - 10 July, organised by the University of Southampton. Presenters and participants will have multiple opportunities to engage over a full week of talks, panel sessions and informal discussions. Our first Panel Discussion after lunch on 8th July is titled “Web Science – now more than ever”. Continue reading →

#WebSci20 Countdown – 11 DAYS!

This is the first of our preview posts for the 2020 ACM Web Science Conference. The events will be taking place online from 6 - 10 July, organised by the University of Southampton. Presenters and participants will have multiple opportunities to engage over a full week of talks, panel sessions and informal discussions. After our first ever fully online Brave Conversations on Monday 6th, the PhD Symposium and Workshops, the main conference will be introduced by Ruby Wax on 8th July. Continue reading →

“A typical scene from last year’s event. #WebSci20 is going to be very different!”

Making the Web Human-Centric? New Directions in the Web and AI The 2020 ACM Web Science Conference takes place online from 6 -10 July and is organised by the University of Southampton. Presenters and participants will have multiple opportunities to engage over a full week of talks, panel sessions and informal discussions. Registration is open! This message gives you a taster of what to expect from the event. Continue reading →

CDT students attend Web Science workshop in Bangalore, India

A group of CDT students took up the opportunity to participate in the 2020 Web Science for Development Workshop. Hosted by the International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) Bangalore, the three day event brought together professionals from several domains to address issues relevant to the World Wide Web and humanity. You can read all about their thoughts on this trip in the blogs below. Continue reading →

NExt++ Workshop, Singapore by Simon Jonsson

After the 13 hour flight we landed in Singapore. The first day was spent resting and seeing what the city had to offer. In the evening we ate a local dinner with Professor Dame Wendy Hall. The first day of the workshop took place in a vigorously air conditioned room at our hotel. Many interesting talks ensued with topics surrounding fake news, natural language processing and the future of trust on the Web. Continue reading →

CDT Trip to Singapore 9-13 November 2019 by Juljan Krause and Allison Noble

When first- and second-year Web Science doctoral researchers Allison and Juljan disembarked the aircraft after a remarkably comfortable 13hr-flight on the A380, the biggest passenger plane in the world, they were immediately treated to another awe-inspiring engineering masterpiece. At 40 metres and surrounded by a four-storeyed terraced rain forest, the Rain Vortex at Changi Airport is the world’s largest indoor waterfall. Continue reading →

NExT++ Workshop, Day 2 by Bernard Roper

The second day of the Next ++ conference was divided into two tracks, one continuing the main conference and the other focused on stu  dent presentations. The format for the latter was a significant break with the norm, but an interesting and rewarding experience, nonetheless. PhD students from Southampton, the National University of Singapore and Tsinghua University in China were divided into four groups, with students from each university in each group. Continue reading →

Beyond 2019 by Clare Walsh

The Beyond Conference looks at research and development in the creative industries and this year’s focus was AI. I was funded to represent the CDT at this year’s Beyond Conference in the stunning Assembly Rooms in the heart of Edinburgh. This was unlike many AI conferences, with a fairly even balance between examples of how the creative industries are currently using AI to create art, and how important AI issues can be shared with a wider audience through creative works. Continue reading →