Digital Literacies Conference 2013: Online Learning and MOOCs
The second Digital Literacies Conference will take place in Garden Court, Highfield Campus on 24th April. This year’s theme is “Online Learning and Massive Open Online Courses” (MOOCs)
There will be contributions from people involved in the development of MOOCs from Edinburgh and the Open University (including Futurelearn) as well as the student perspective of what it is like to participate in a MOOC.
On the theme of online learning, we have contributions from students on the Curriculum Innovation Module ‘Living and Working on the Web’ about their experience as “blended learning” students.
We will be demonstrating educational uses of some new social tools such as Google Hangout, with the help of the Student Digital Champions
For more details of the timetable and speakers, and to reserve your place, see Fiona Harvey’s CITE post.