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Ben Williamson Seminar: Doing Educational Research in Web Science

The moment the notification email went around advising that Dr Ben Williamson was going to give a talk, I booked my place. As a ‘resting’ secondary school teacher taking a sabbatical to do a PhD, anything edu-related is always of interest. When it’s also embedded in Web Science, that’s a double bonus. Dr Williamson has written extensively about ‘the digital age’ and education. Continue reading →

Observing The Web: ethics in a data-sharing world

This event took place on a sweltering day in London, in the offices of TaylorWessing. Thankfully, the space was air conditioned – essential on a day where outside temperatures rose to well above 30°C. Any discussion that involves the ethics of gathering, analysing and sharing data is always fascinating, given that there are so many situations and nuances that even Web Science students like myself haven’t previously considered, and this symposium didn’t disappoint. Continue reading →