Learning in the Network Age: Round 2
Our Learning in the Network Age MOOC with FutureLearn is running again for two weeks from 24th July. You can sign up here.
The web is having a significant impact on the way we learn. Learning today is much more than just attending lectures and classes. It involves interacting with a powerful online and offline network of people, technology, services and information in ways, places and times of our choosing.
The course helps you to understand how we learn, to know more about digital inequalities and their effect on our learning networks, and to develop the skills and literacies to help you understand, grow, manage and activate your Personal Learning Network effectively.
Emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, automation, robotics and the Internet of Things, are also changing the future of work. A truck driver today may need to retrain as a drone pilot tomorrow. Therefore, we need to become flexible lifelong learners if we are to adapt to the demands of a rapidly changing education and work environment.
This time Nic and I are very pleased to be joined by two experienced Peer Mentors who participated as learners in the first running of the course. They have introduced themselves in another post.
We were really pleased with the interactions and responses to the first running of the course back in April. From the start it was clear that learners had a wide range of experiences and preferences:
Producing the network map was particularly popular:
A number of Southampton undergraduates directly contributed to the course content:
And it was good to see that educational professionals also obtained value from the course:
Even more, about 200 learners generated their unique Personal Learning Network map, enabling them to see what their networks look like and how they use them – as well as providing really useful insights for our research into this subject.
Please contact Lisa Harris on l.j.harris@soton.ac.uk or Nic Fair on nsrf1g12@soton.ac.uk if you would like to explore ways of integrating this MOOC with your own modules, staff development or induction programmes.