User Interface Screenshot

Based on the research on User Interface design and the choice of a navigation scheme, we started building a demo user interface.
First of all, we created the login page of 3speech. This is what we came up with:

3speech - Login page

3speech - Login page

The page will contain the following manifest:

From now on, it can never be the same as before…because the place we are from does not exist anymore.

The Web is changing, and not for the better. Online freedom of speech is under attack by authorities, corporations and governments. Lobbyists are twisting anti-piracy laws to hide their true intentions and to further their own agendas. Censorship is their weapon of choice and they are trying to utilize it to its fullest extent. They are trying to limit the free flow of information at the cost of your fundamental right to free speech. This cannot be accepted. This should not be accepted.

What we are seeing is only the beginning and things will only get worse. The only solution is to raise awareness and promote open conversations about the issues that matter. 3SPEECH is not the answer, but where the answers can be created.

It is the place where ideas and discussions can take place, allowing its users to remain unaccountable, untraceable and untouchable by current censorship methods.

Talk to your friends, talk to your family, talk to anyone that might be interested.

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