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Author Archives: Julia Kendal

What does Southampton have to offer YOU?

By Julia Kendal |

Calling all potential Freshers!  If you are in need of another reason to come to Southampton – in addition to the fantastic courses, brilliant sunshine and exciting campuses –look no further. We provide innovative and original ways for students to get involved in invaluable developments which address both our environmental impacts and social responsibilities. At […]

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Hundreds from the community survey biodiversity on campus

By Julia Kendal |

On the 13th and 14th June, the first ever Southampton BioBlitz welcomed over 100 people onto the Highfield Campus to explore local biodiversity. Local experts and university scientists helped nature lovers from around the city take part in the surveys and to understand local plant and wildlife. The event began with a bat walk on […]

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Overwhelmed by sustainability? Reflections on Interdisciplinary Research Week and why you don’t need to know everything.

By Julia Kendal |

Guest blog by Amy Nicholass, Student Sustainability Champion Do you ever feel that sustainability is an overwhelming concept? No one can really be expected to know the environmental, social and economic impacts of their activities, you can’t possibly be good at all of those disciplines simultaneously to make an informed decision on action, right? Well, […]

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Flourishing in the 21st Century – TEDx SouthamptonUniversity

By Julia Kendal |

Guest blog by Amy Nicholass, Student Sustainability Champion What do atomic gardens, dancing, giant petri dishes, a ‘Parliament of Clowns’, pre-birth adaptation, theramins, the Queen’s signature, GM trees, radio waves and Gorilla dung have in common? The answer? They were all part of TEDx at the University of Southampton this Sunday at the Nuffield theatre. TED […]

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A successful Waste Wars VIII

By Julia Kendal |

Guest blog by SUSU Ethical and Environmental Committee As mentioned in Jessica’s post on Sustainability Week, on the 19th February we had the annual Waste Wars event. This is an audit of waste streams from across the university campuses and halls of residence which is now in its eighth consecutive year. A team of 58 enthusiastic […]

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Student reflections on sustainable development in higher education

By Julia Kendal |

Guest blog by Lydia Butler, Jack Connors and Pippa Guest, Student Sustainability Champions On January 30th, 3 of Southampton’s sustainability champions joined Simon Kemp in attending the Higher Education Funding Council for England’s (HEFCE) consultation event in London, focussing on their recent report on sustainable development in higher education. Despite having to wake up at a […]

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A successful first Swap Shop of the year!

By Julia Kendal |

On the 5th December, we held the first Swap Shop of the year -a clothes swapping event for students and staff on campus. This followed the success of the first ever Swap Shop event which took place in March 2013. People dropped off their unwanted (or perhaps more appealing put “pre-loved”) clothes, shoes and accessories in the […]

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The six challenges of designing social enterprise curriculum

By Julia Kendal |

Guest Blog by Pathik Pathak Thanks to the efforts of a range of institutions and individuals –most prominently Unltd in partnership with HEFCE (Higher Education Funding Council for England) – a large proportion of British universities have embraced social entrepreneurship in some shape or form. Despite the widespread interest in finding, funding and supporting social entrepreneurs in […]

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We’ve arrived!

By Julia Kendal |

Welcome to the new Sustainability Action Blog, where you can learn more about the journey towards embedding sustainability across the university community. The Sustainability Action programme works with students and staff to ensure that we are a community of globally responsible citizens, working to shape a socially, economically and environmentally sustainable future. Here you’ll be […]

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