

Feb 03

Bryanston School: 31st January 2014

On 31st January, Eric Cooke and I were lucky enough to go to Bryanston School. The school is wonderful and the students are great. This is the second year we have been and we were keen to go back this year when we were invited. This year we were invited to do two talks:

1. Cyber Security

2. Careers in technology.

1. The cyber security talk was very different to Huw Fryers talk that took place a on the 30th but focused on cases such as the Harold Shipman case. We also discusses security facts, with the main message being that it is very hard to delete anything off your computer. Anything can be recovered. So think twice! In fact the talk was more focused upon Cyber forensics and emphasised that the computer needed to be treated much like a real crime scene, you cannot contaminate evidence, report the evidence and analyse it.

2. The second session was a general session about careers and university life.


We have invited the wonderful students and teachers at Bryanston to a day at the university so they can see what it is like at university. I look forward to welcoming them soon.


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