

Jan 16

Sturnminsters Gifted and Talented group’s visit to ECS!

 Sturnminsters Gifted and Talented group’s visit to ECS! 

On Friday 10th January 2014 we were REALLY lucky to have a group of 30 pupils from Sturnminster School. It was their group of gifted and talented pupils. The day kicked off with a welcome from me, explaining to the group what happens at a University. We then had a one hour session from the Web Science group who told us about privacy, social networks and trolling. This was a popular session as it was relevant to the pupils lives and it was a talking point for the day. We had lunch in the staff club and then had a tour of campus. The pupils were very surprised by the facilities we had on campus, the sports centre and student union were the favourites! They also had a soft spot for Erica the Rhino. Erica was also very timely as the group will be working on Raspberry Pis and starting with Python in a few weeks. We then had a session on Nanotechnology. This was very exciting as this was a subject the pupils were not familiar with. They were able to understand the relevance of a high tech research concept to their lives. They were then able to go on a tour of the clean rooms in order to understand the research in the department. We really enjoyed meeting the pupils and teachers at Sturminster School and cannot wait to see you again soon. The gender breakdown was 15 girls and 15 boys.

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