Archive for category Structure and Story

Meeting Summary 23/02/15

Summary of first meeting 23/02/15

This meeting was the first in which all members of the group had been present. As a result, much of the discussion was based around discussing some initial project ideas, reading through the marking criteria, and deliberating which group names would convey the message we wanted to put across throughout our portfolio.

Deciding on a group name

The group decided that the name should be based upon several lectures that the group had received during the course of module, thus tying the group in strongly with the themes discussed and presented which would ultimately shape the course of our project. Each member suggested several names, and a group vote was taken to ascertain which was the most appropriate. Categories which dictated the appropriateness of a group name included: whether the name was broad and general enough to cover any idea that we later chose for a product, whether the name had positive connotations, whether the name was easily memorable or not, whether the name was applicable to all members of the group, and whether the name related to the subject material from the module lectures.

Suggestions for the name included Deliberate, Spiel, Prototype, Theory of Trust and The One Percent. The group came to the conclusion that the name The One Percent fit the majority of the categories previously mentioned, and this was decided as the group name.

Deciding on a group project

In the same manner as choosing a group name, a group project idea was decided by the democratic voting of all of the group members. Each member personally researched and presented an idea to the rest of the group, with some initial background research. An analysis matrix was drawn up which pitched the ideas against the marking criteria, and a score for each idea was tallied at the end. The idea which fit the most criteria, and which all members of the group were happy with, was a travel safety app put forward by Kaley.

For the next meeting

In order to proceed with the project development each member will read around the project area and find any applications that offer one or two similar aspects to our proposal. A post regarding similar applications on the market will be produced to illustrate common trends in the market area, and to highlight potential weaknesses that our app may seek to rectify.

Each member will also consider what aspects would contribute to making this app, for example what are the easiest types of map to read, what safety concerns people are the most worried about, what datasets can be used in the app etc. These will be vital in the shaping and success of the design and engineering of the project.

Finally each member should consider whether we think the app should generate a profit or whether it should be free (ethical issues), based on the market research we have conducted. This should fit in with the target audience and pricing range highlighted to ensure that our app will be successful.

During the next meeting

During the next meeting the group will write the 200 word abstract that summarises our project ideas and the considerations we have thought about in selecting it. This will include the background research we have collected throughout the week stated above.


This post represents that coherent structure and story are present in the portfolio which uses the entry and tags mechanism of the blog system. It tells the story of the project by explaining individual roles clearly, explaining why these were decided, and what outcome they will produce later on in the project.


Minutes by Briony Gray

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