Use Case Diagram

The below use case diagrams demonstrates interaction between user and the application. There are three use cases are designed for our application, which are as follows:

The first use case shows interaction with the main functions of the application. The application offers services, such as login and multi-lingual interface. The user can select interface language (Default English) and then application services can be browsed.


The second diagram represents the interaction between user and search map. A user can specify a route and the system will evaluate the safest routes in order to reach the target place.

The user can load a stored route or edit existing route in addition to create a route by searched by address.A safe route would be generated by filtering the data, which is based on rating of areas provided by Data Provider, by the system. Afterwards, the user can choose the appropriate route and the select type of transportation.


The final diagram shows the functions which are described in Information Travel Update blog.

The user can select a certain location in order to display weather forecast for that place. Additionally, the application provides a feature which is ‘Danger’. For example, it might be some beaches unfit for swimming. Another service, the application allows users to specify their current locations in order to reach the nearest post office and exchange currency rates can be displayed. Finally, the application offers Emergency contacts and locations.

The rest


Written by Ayoub.

This post represents that the group has chosen appropriate economic and social Contextual Factors that directly link to the marking criteria, and are vital to understanding what requirements app design has. This is based on market analysis, evaluation, and previous engineering decisions. There is evidence that research has been chosen intelligently (by reference to literature and analysis) to produce a conclusion of professional quality, leading to a successful product. 

This post additionally represents Engineering and Design decisions. These are based on the Contextual Factors and literature review which the group have tailored the product to incorporate. This means that the activity diagram has considerable research, fluent design and well planned engineering steps to achieve this. This post illustrates how the product has been influenced in its design and engineering, and shows how the engineering of the app will solve problems through use case diagrams. 

In addition, this post illustrates considerable use of media, innovation and creativity. This is apparent through applying Contextual Research, Design steps and engineering guidelines to produce use case diagrams which contribute to the product, summarises what the product does, and provides visualisations that align with the target market. 

Furthermore this post features the use of different types of media evident in the use case diagrams.


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