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Studying music and the web

The Department has constructed a new undergraduate joint honours course in Music and Web Science, with the first student intake planned for October 2016 - the video below gives more details.  In this post Anna Kent-Muller (BA Hons Music 2015) explains how her own interest in Web Science started, and describes how she contributed to the new degree programme: Continue reading →

Behind the scenes at the Proms

Kerry-Ann Bronner spent the summer between years 2 and 3 learning all about the complexities of mounting the Proms, and applying knowledge from her degree course (as well as her tea-making skills!) to a real life employment context: In May this year, I learned of an exciting opportunity offered by the BBC to spend a few weeks on a work experience placement within the Music Television department, working on the Proms. Continue reading →

New Songs for Old Souls

We are really enjoying Southampton Music alum Joe Stilgoe's newest disc, New Songs for Old Souls.  And so are lots of other people:  check out the five-star review in the Observer, this enthusiastic article from ArtsDesk, and this great account in London Jazz News of the album launch at the Old Vic, where Joe is currently playing in the theatre's acclaimed production of High Society until 22 August. Continue reading →

Summertime, and the livin’ . . .

We're now shutting down our blog for the summer vacation.  There may be the odd post here and there in the next couple of months, but we'll start back full-time in the autumn.  In the meantime, many congratulations to all our new graduates.  Come by and say hello once in a while and let us know how you are doing.  Continuing students, have a great summer and we look forward to seeing you next term. Continue reading →

Interview with the interns

Rhiannon Lewis and Dan Varley (both year 2) are Turner Sims Interns for 2015, with responsibility for the Southampton Showcase scheme for advanced performers.  Here they tell us about their first semester in the job: What interested you in applying for the intern post? Rhiannon: Arts management is something that has always interested me but I felt my knowledge on the profession was limited. Continue reading →

Harpsichords at Cheltenham

This week postgraduate researcher and harpsichordist Christopher Lewis starred as player and presenter at the Cheltenham Music Festival -  for 'A History of the Modern Harpsichord: An Afternoon at the Salle Cortot'.  Here he tells us more about the purpose of the event : Early on Monday, a small group of us from the University of Southampton departed for the prestigious Cheltenham Music Festival. Continue reading →

Student support for music therapy

Our first-ever Grade One-a-thon was a sponsored activity with proceeds going to charity. The students selected local music therapy charity Key Changes to receive the donation, and this week our intrepid organiser Catherine Underhill received a wonderful letter of thanks from music therapist Beccy Read - shared here for all the students who took part. Continue reading →

Meet the (modern) pianos

In the final instalment of our Meet the Pianos series for this year, David Owen Norris introduces some of our modern concert grands.  Many people will find these more familiar-looking than our rarer historic instruments. But they're not all the same, and modern piano firms, just like their 18th-century counterparts, search to create instruments with their own characteristic sounds. Continue reading →

Grade One-a-thon – the results are in!

An update from finalist Catherine Underhill, who has organised our first-ever Grade One-a-thon: So results are in, and I am pleased to announce the results tally to - 14 distinctions 12 merits 5 passes Thank you to all the teachers, especially to those who taught instruments even though they were not participating and learning an instrument themselves - it could not have happened without you. It has been a hugely successful event. Continue reading →