Tag Archive: Economics

Apr 22

Social and Ethical Considerations of Be Seated

While reviewing our idea we must consider its social and ethical impact. What follows is a collection of considerations that we have anticipated our service may expose.   Businesses and by default employees could be harmed or have their reputation diminished by users poor reviews. Could lead to loss of business/revenue. No way to be …

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Apr 11

Economics: How TripAdvisor Generates Revenue

Be Seated is not wholly dissimilar to TripAdvisor in the model it will use to remain sustainable. While TripAdvisor is based on travel, Be Seated will exist in the venue/entertainment sphere. It is therefore worthwhile to review how TripAdvisor generates revenue. How TripAdvisor generates revenue? User-generated Reviews, kept loyal through further social networking features. Search …

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Apr 01

Related Academic Work 7: Financial Incentives and the “Performance of Crowds”

Financial Incentives and the “Performance of Crowds” – Mason & Watts Social scientists have long been interested in how incentives influence performance. Financial incentives interestingly are not perhaps the most efficient of motivators for crowds. This study found that increased financial incentives increase the quantity, but crucially not the quality of work. Those who are …

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