Tag Archive: Analysis

Apr 21

Analysis of Similar Websites 3: Seatguru.com

SeatGuru.com SeatGuru is the website to help travellers find the best airline seats. Users can browse airlines to choose one airline and specific plane configurations. The website lists all the planes this airline provides with basic information about the seat width, seat pitch, seat type, etc. Users can browse one plane to see the seat …

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Apr 20

What we aim to solve: Terrible Seats

Be Seated hopes to fill a void in social networking services in uniting users who are interested in events and attending venues for entertainment purposes. When using search engines you can find multiple examples of people who are angered or disappointed by the seats that they have been assigned. One notable absence is that there …

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Apr 11

Economics: How TripAdvisor Generates Revenue

Be Seated is not wholly dissimilar to TripAdvisor in the model it will use to remain sustainable. While TripAdvisor is based on travel, Be Seated will exist in the venue/entertainment sphere. It is therefore worthwhile to review how TripAdvisor generates revenue. How TripAdvisor generates revenue? User-generated Reviews, kept loyal through further social networking features. Search …

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Mar 23

Related Academic Work 1 – Connecting to Change the World

Connecting to Change the World: Harnessing the Power of Networks for Social Impact Key Point: Successful networks require thoughtful design. I have reviewed some of the key design issues that may arise in the planning of ‘Be Seated’.   Key Design/Review Issues Applying to BeSeated 1.  Purpose: reason for being. A collaborative network that provides …

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