
Author's details

Name: Rafael Melgarejo Heredia
Date registered: October 17, 2014


I'm an information systems engineer (Ecu, EPN, 1992), I have two masters: technologies for education (Esp, CIIIM, 2003), governability and political management (Ecu, PUCE, 2012). I have experience as a systems solution designer and as informatics forensics expert.

Latest posts

  1. Ideas for Dragon’s Den — April 29, 2015
  2. The Long right or wrong tail? — April 27, 2015
  3. Privacy in Be Seated — April 26, 2015
  4. Ontology Design – Be Seated — April 26, 2015
  5. Be Seated Logos — April 21, 2015

Author's posts listings

Apr 19

Business Plan: 6) Key Resources

6. KEY RESOURCES: Which are the key resources in order for Be Seated to work? 1. Infomation from the crowd. 2. Crowds should submit reviews/photos using their devices/smartphones connected to the Internet. 3. The App needs to work and be updated (tech team, software, hardware). 4. Advertising (for revenue).

Apr 19

Business Plan: 5) Income source

5. INCOME SOURCE: How users (all/some) pay for the service? Click-through advertising (especially for ticket sales) will predominately make up revenue as well as banner advertising on the site. What are the pay systems? Users don’t pay for using the App/website. Venues that want publicity pay for advertising can have their adverts displayed within the …

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Apr 19

Business Plan: 4) Clients relation

4. CLIENT RELATIONS: How can we engage new clients? Advertise outside of events, word-of-mouth, integration with other services. How can we keep them? Our Tactics: Like Tripadvisor, if we become the dominate platform then will have a monopoly over the industry. In theory to make sure no customers are lost Be Seated must keep pushing …

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Apr 19

Business Plan: 3) Channels

3. CHANNELS: BeSeated is only for smartphones connected to internet? It will have a dedicated app and a website. It is predicted that most of the traffic will be over the web, similar to TripAdvisor, and will likely to be used at the same time as users who are booking tickets. How do we contact …

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Apr 19

Business Plan: 2) Clients Segment

2. CLIENTS SEGMENT: Who are our customers,/users? Those who attend a lot of entertainment events. Those looking to get the most for their money. Where are they? We have handpicked 5 major cities to begin with as the first test run of our service. The vast majority of highly attended events take place in a …

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Apr 19

Business Plan: 1) Value Proposition

Any new service should think of a business plan and strategy to be successful. What follows is a series of posts that investigates the business side of ‘Be Seated’ following the CANVAS method.   VALUE PROPOSITION: What does Be Seated solve? A way to utilise information from the crowds to get the best entertainment experience …

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Mar 23

Related Academic Work 3 – Reviews Impact

Don’t Discount the Impact of Online Reviews (Abigal Tracy) A new study finds that the majority of small business owners aren’t paying as much attention to online reviews as they should. According to a B2B research report: https://www.zendesk.com/resources/customer-service-and-lifetime-customer-value 90 percent of consumers say positive online reviews influence their purchasing decisions, in contrast 87 percent of …

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Mar 23

Related Academic Work 2 – Mark Zuckerberg’s Secret on HR

Mark Zuckerberg Shares His Secret to Recruiting the Best Employees   “I would only hire someone to work directly for me if I would work for that person” (Mark Zuckerberg). Start-ups have more work to do than they have people to do it.   FACT for BeSeated Commitment and trust between the founders is essential. …

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Mar 23

Related Academic Work 1 – Connecting to Change the World

Connecting to Change the World: Harnessing the Power of Networks for Social Impact Key Point: Successful networks require thoughtful design. I have reviewed some of the key design issues that may arise in the planning of ‘Be Seated’.   Key Design/Review Issues Applying to BeSeated 1.  Purpose: reason for being. A collaborative network that provides …

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