Colin Pattinson

Author's details

Name: Colin Pattinson
Date registered: October 17, 2014


Web Science Msc/PhD Candidate.

Latest posts

  1. Oral History Part 4: The Final Meeting & Dragon’s Den Prep — April 30, 2015
  2. Dragon’s Den Overview — April 30, 2015
  3. Trust and Be Seated — April 25, 2015
  4. Power and Be Seated — April 25, 2015
  5. Crowds and Be Seated: When to use Crowds — April 25, 2015

Most commented posts

  1. News: Changes to Google Search – ‘mobilegeddon’ — 1 comment

Author's posts listings

Apr 24

Oral History Part 2: Sketching out the Idea and Team Organisation

Part 2 of the evolution of Be Seated features Rafael talking about how we organised the team and the meetings to fully sketch out the features of the service.

Apr 23

Oral History Part 1: First meeting and Idea sharing

This is our first part of our oral history of Be Seated, these are a set of recollections about how our idea evolved from differing perspectives as told from our team members. First up is Colin and his recollection about the first big session on choosing the idea and agreeing on a name.

Apr 22

The Future of Be Seated

Future of Be Seated We have presented a feasible, realistic and workable first build of Be Seated. We are aware however of all the extra features that could be added to make the service bigger, better and more exciting for users. Here is a selection of future improvements that we could implement as our service …

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Apr 22

News: Twitter vs. Trolls

  Twitter and protecting Users In efforts to tackle abuse, Twitter is taking new measures to secure its users. This is interesting and pertinent for any social networking site. The firm has admitted that it has not done enough to protect its users. Be Seated must make sure that it does not ignore the necessity …

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Apr 22

Promotion & Marketing of Be Seated

  How will we market & promote Be Seated? In this post we will discuss possible ways to market Be Seated. We are confident that the service and idea is quite useful and rewarding for users but initially some leg work will be required to make people aware of the site. Ideas for marketing: Make …

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Apr 22

User Incentives and Be Seated

Current Incentives for Be Seated Users A certain level of “intrinsic motivation”. Users feel part of the community and can get useful information from the service, like TripAdvisor. This has been proven to be a powerful tool in incentivising the crowd. In order to rapidly build up reviews (create a solid base of reviews immediately …

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Apr 22

Unavoidable Ethical Questions About Social Networking

Social Networking has some general inescapable ethical concerns such as: Connecting people can be positive but it can also lead people into forming harmful relationships and connections. Cyber-bulling or trolling is a sad phenomenon and every effort should be made to avoid harassment of other users. Users have a right to privacy but in general …

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Apr 22

Social and Ethical Considerations of Be Seated

While reviewing our idea we must consider its social and ethical impact. What follows is a collection of considerations that we have anticipated our service may expose.   Businesses and by default employees could be harmed or have their reputation diminished by users poor reviews. Could lead to loss of business/revenue. No way to be …

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Apr 22

The History of Early Social Networks

A Brief History of the early years of SNSs according to Boyd & Ellison (2008) 1997 First recognisable SNS launches which combines a number of features that previous websites had already been using. It allows users to create profiles, list their Friends and from 1998 browse Friends lists. 1997-2001 Community tools begin supporting a …

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