Antigoni Kritioti

Author's details

Name: Antigoni Kritioti
Date registered: February 23, 2015

Latest posts

  1. Scenarios- Review a Seat — April 29, 2015
  2. API Integration-Facebook — April 29, 2015
  3. Welcome to Be Seated — April 29, 2015
  4. Architecture Design — April 28, 2015
  5. Requirements – Non-Functional — April 28, 2015

Author's posts listings

Apr 29

Scenarios- Review a Seat

Scenarios 2 -Review a Seat Two friends went to the theatre and as soon as the play is over they are discussing their experience. They seem to be very pleased with the play but their experience could have been much better if their view was not blocked by a pillar. As they are discussing about …

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Apr 29

API Integration-Facebook

Facebook Integration   Our website includes Facebook Integration as we would like to provide our users the opportunity to sign up with their accounts and enhance their experience in ‘Be Seated’. Facebook provides a Software Development Kit (SDK) for javascript which is one of the programming languages used in the implementation of Be Seated. A variety …

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Apr 29

Welcome to Be Seated

Welcome to the Be Seated Project Page, Be Seated is a social networking site that utilises crowd-reviewing to rate venues and seating locations in entertainment and sporting venues. We connect together those who love attending events but want to get the most out of their money and to have the best experience possible! Below is …

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Apr 28

Architecture Design

Three Tier Architecture   The system is based on a three tier architecture which has been introduced by Sullivan (2003, Pg. 16) [2]. A three-tier architecture is a client-server architecture in which each layer is developed and maintained independently on a separate platform. Hence, replacement of a layer does not interfere with the functionalities of …

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Apr 28

Requirements – Non-Functional

Non-Functional Requirements The non-Functional Requirements of a system specify the criteria according to which the software could be evaluated.   Req. Description NFRQ1 The language used for this web application will be English. NFRQ2 A web-based user interface will allow interaction with the system. NFRQ3 Modified data in the database should be updated for all users …

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Apr 25

Administrator Pages – Storyboards: Edit Event Page

Storyboards 11 – Edit Event Page   The “Edit Event Page” has the same design as the ‘Create New Event Page’ with the only difference being that the fields are completed with the submitted information of the event and can be modified. As soon as the administrator selects ‘Save Event’ the details are updated and the …

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Apr 25

Administrator Pages – Storyboards: Create New Event Page

Storyboards 10 – Create New Event Page   The administrator in the “Create New Event Page” can create a new event by completing all the fields displayed in this page form. Data such as event’s name, date, link venue, category and city are required for completing the event. The link is for redirecting the events …

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Apr 25

Administrator Pages – Storyboard: Events Page

Storyboard 9 – Events Page The administrator is responsible to create the events that are displayed for the rest of the users. The Events Page displays a list of all the events created. The administrator can edit or delete these events, as well as create new ones. When clicking to add a new event to …

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Apr 25

Administrator Pages – Storyboards: Reported Messages

Storyboard 8- Reported Messages     The reported messages Page is the first page displayed to the administrator. The administrator can move from the tab bar to the Events Page and back to reported messages. The Reported Messages Page includes all the messages that were reported by the users. The administrator reads the content of …

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Apr 25

User Pages – Storyboard: About Page

Storyboard 7 – About Page The ‘About’ Page informs the users, registered or not, about the general idea and purpose of the web application as well as who created the service. At the bottom of the page further communication details are available if anyone has questions or information for the team.

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